Masculinity Training
What is masculinity Training?
Masculinity training is the process of fully empowering men and their sexual energy in the deepest possible way. It is for any man, of any age, any body shape, and any lifestyle. It encompasses every aspect of masculinity, all the weaknesses, all the strengths, all the dark, all the light, and balances them all in order to become a fully grounded and empowered man of deep integrity. I also welcome working with women or any orientation who wish to explore the male God inside of themselves.
Why would I want Masculinity training?
An understanding of male and female energy, sex, and relationship is fundamental to our personal life and wellbeing, it is at the heart of our psychology, and it's influences extend to many other areas outside of this, indeed it is my view that it is our greatest influence in life. So much of our life is built around sex, sexual energy, and relationships, if we have great sex and relationships, life generally feels and works much better, as the underlying forces of sex extend into all relationships, not just our romantic and sexual ones. An example of how broad the effects of sex are, is in the way it underpins the power dynamics that are part of any hierarchy of people, such as the hierarchies you get at work, in institutions, or in a family. Therefore a full understanding of this area is beneficial and empowering for every aspect of our life, as it is ubiquitous and influential throughout all of life.
This explains why men would want Masculinity training; because they wish to empower every area in their life in the deepest way possible, through a full understanding of their male sexual power, and how male and female energy interact and drive all the relationships between everyone.
I regard this understanding to be essential knowledge that everyone should have, as without it how can we understand ourselves, our power, and all our relationships with others, indeed I believe it should be extensively taught in schools along with many other social studies to equip children for adult life. The need for this knowledge is increased by the complexity of the modern world, as the much simpler roles of the sexes in the past, are now long gone. Indeed, there are so many conflicting expectations men can feel pressurised to follow, which quite often centre around how dominant or submissive they should be. These pressures can lead to great confusion on the part of men about who they are and how to express themselves, especially in their romantic and sexual relationships. Masculinity training is here to help you cut through all the confusion, to become clear on who you really are as a man, and connect in a balanced way with your greatest power.
What things will I learn?
Masculinity training focuses in upon what it means to be the powerful sexual man you are, it requires strength, humility, and bravery to go on this journey, and there are a number of key things you need to learn in order to do this:
Understanding the characteristics of male and female energy.
It starts with a full understanding of male and female energy, we are all a combination of these energies. Generally, although not always, men have far more male energy, and far less female energy, the opposite is true for women. I will teach you how to understand all aspects of both energies, and how to express them according to what you feel, and what role you wish to act out. For example if you are a powerful career man you will be used to being dominant at work, but how should you be at home with your partner, do you feel equally as confident in this environment? Most of all we will look at all the sexual expressions of male and female energy, as these are at the roots of all human behaviour.
How male and female energy interact to produce intense attraction and passion.
Without sexual attraction, relationships can be very mundane, so attraction is essential for a fulfilling and vibrant life. You will become much more aware of the hidden subconscious sexual forces that are driving you in so much of your life, and I will give you insight into those that drive women. Once you have understood both energies fully, I will teach you how they interact, how they can produce intense attraction and passion under specific circumstances, how men become irresistible to women, and how women become irresistible to men, these are the foundations of vibrant fulfilling relationships and life.
Understanding how relationships really work, the deeper purpose of them, and why they don't always meet our expectations.
Our up brining and society at large tends to teach us a fairy tale; that we meet our dream partner, fall in love, and live happily in harmony with each other, ever after. This is wonderful if happens, but it rarely does, and most peoples lives are very different from this ideal, indeed most of us will experience great challenge in our relationships, and in the ending of them. Why does this happen, how do we deal with these challenges? You will understand exactly the purpose of your relationships, and how to change the challenge of them, from something that is unwanted, into your greatest strength.
Understanding that whatever is your wealth, body shape, or status, you have infinite male power.
Being a powerful man is not fundamentally about having money, muscles, or status. It is true that these are strong attractors for women, but there is a deeper understanding as to why these things attract women. In giving you this understanding, you will learn precisely how you, no matter what your physical appearance, wealth or status, are a deeply powerful and attractive man; ultimately you will learn that believing in yourself is the key to activating this truth.
Express fully the inner and outer God.
Every aspect of who you are is explored; we will look at who you really are on the inside and how to fully express this; equally we will look at how you project this in the outer sense to, and this involves enhancing the way you dress, and how you present yourself, it can even include photography. It takes bravery to go on this journey, as all aspects of your self expression will be brought into alignment with the powerful sexual man you wish to be.
Your infinite sexual power - The Light and Dark aspects of sex.
It takes great understanding to hold the extraordinary sexual power that all men have. This understanding does not follow the rules of social conservatism, political correctness, or the limits society says we should have. It follows the rules of the deepest parts of our psychology. I can help you dig down deeper into yourself to discover and understand the yourself as a protective father figure, and a conscious sexual master, the most powerful parts of who you are.
Gods, Goddesses, and Tantra.
For those men who are spiritually orientated, and wish to fully integrate their spirituality with their sexual energy, I can show you how to open up your consciousness to male deities, and channel them through your body. This actually happens quite naturally during many of our life activities, the sexual orgasm being the most common and powerful one. It is usually quite subtle and therefore unrecognised, however it can be far more intense, become a common occurrence, and also on rare occasions I have found it to become completely supernatural and extreme with a number of lovers. I can show you how to enhance this natural ability, ground it, and how to tap into the sometimes startling experiences and powers it can produce. As part of the Masculinity training I can help you integrate spirituality into every aspect of your life, indeed I believe all of life is fundamentally spiritual whether we recognise it or not.
Holding your power with responsibility.
A fully empowered Man is highly influential, especially to women, who will find him irresistible, and quite often intoxicating. The opportunities to abuse this power are endless, and can start in seemingly innocent ways which can grow into dysfunctional lifestyles for everyone. Powerful men have the challenge of making sure that their dominance and leadership of others, does not turn into dictatorship. With your power must come equal measures of humility and responsibility if it is to serve you and others.
Using the deeper knowledge you have gained to enrich every aspect of your life.
Masculinity training will equip you with a far greater awareness and understanding of yourself, others, and how everyone interacts with each other. You will learn how to hold your integrity and power in all your relationships, not just your romantic/sexual ones. You will understand how to become fully aware of and communicate clearly your feelings, desires, purpose and boundaries to all people, so they are left feeling clear about who you are and what you want. Equally you will learn how to listen to others, be sensitive to their views and feelings. This promotes the most fulfilling life and relationships for yourself, and for everyone you interact with, you have become the powerful sexual God you are!
To enquire about masculinity training click here.
The challenge of Masculinity training.
Masculinity training will present many challenges, you will have to face, overcome, and ultimately transform, your pain, fears, and limiting belief systems into your greatest strengths. It takes determination, humility, and bravery to go on this journey, and I regard it therefore as the fullest and deepest form of life training for men. If you wish to have a more detailed explanation of this challenge, please go to the life coaching page, click here.
How I became a Masculinity trainer?
From my late teens, I have always wanted to empower all people. Men and women, or I should say male and female energy, are fundamentally different, and the way they interact is the key motivator that drives all of life. As I became older and engaged in romantic relationships, I realised that a deep understanding of this was essential for empowering people in general, and in my view is a crucial and basic life knowledge that we should all have. For these reasons I created work shops specifically designed to empower men and women, they taught women how to be Goddesses, and men how to be masculine Gods, and then how they both interact. These workshops were combined i.e. were never split into separate sexes, so all the women were trained in their female sexual energy and power, but also sat in on all the workshops where the men learnt about their sexual energy and power, so that everyone had a full understanding of both male and female energy. This equipped everyone with a full understanding of both sexes, and then prepared the way for the follow on workshops that taught about how the sexes interact and attract each other.
Some of these workshops were attended by Rosie, who eventually became my partner. Together we went on a journey of exploring and developing Goddess training more deeply, as part of a general life training process. I would act as a leader, mentor, and guide for Rosie, and she would act as a guide and channel for me. Rosie was (and is) a therapist, and for some years had been drawn to sexual healing work. In 2019 she took, with the full support of myself, the somewhat bold step of adding online sexual performance and sexual therapy to the services she offers. This service is carried out on some of the mainstream sex workers platforms. The experience gained from this gave us both deep insights into sexual behaviour, and empowered Rosie and her sexual energy greatly.
The journey of running workshops, and my work with Rosie, cemented my view that knowledge of how to empower men and women, and their sexual energy, was crucial knowledge for everyone, and so I formalised this into a specific form of training, leading to my becoming a Masculinity and Goddess trainer.